The tooth is made up of enamel, dentin, and pulp, and sometimes, issues like cavities can reach far through the enamel, through the dentin, and into the pulp of the tooth. This kind of tooth issue can understandably bring about a lot of pain. Root canal treatment is one of the most effective ways to resolve this kind of dental issue, and Breese Dental Group can help.
A Closer Look at the Traditional Root Canal Treatment
Root canals are often misunderstood and mistakenly believed to be excessively painful. However, the procedure is almost the same as having a cavity filled, and the technique to do a root canal involves a lot of the same procedures. For instance, preparing a tooth for a root canal will involve using a tiny drill to remove damaged portions of the tooth, and a filler material will be used to fill that area.
Common Reasons People Need a Root Canal On a Tooth
Root canals are most often done when a tooth is decayed and the decay reaches into the pulp of the tooth. However, root canals can also be necessary if a tooth has been damaged or has sustained a crack.
Reach Out to Us at Breese Dental Group for More Information About Root Canals
In the end, a root canal done at the right time can prolong the life of a natural tooth. If you believe you have a tooth that needs to have root canal treatment, reach out to us at Breese Dental Group in Breese, IL for an appointment.